Monday, July 21, 2014

Court Approves of Spanking

A New York court recently ruled that a Long Island father used “reasonable force” when he spanked his eight-year-old son for cursing at an adult. Previously, he had been found guilty by a county court, but upon an appeal, the father’s use of a spanking was not considered excessive punishment. In a day of child abuse combined with alleged interference of the government into how parents raise their children, many parents are afraid to use corporal punishment to correct their children’s bad behavior. It is true that child abuse is a problem in our country, and some corporal punishment would be considered abuse; however, a spanking can be an effective means of child training and discipline. Proverbs 13:24 states, “He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently.” My mother’s translation of that verse when I was growing up was, “He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him wears him out as it is needed.” Needless to say, my parents were not too worried about courts, judges, and prying neighbors. They were more concerned about what God had to say about disciplining their children. Therefore, an appropriate spanking was used in my family, and I am better for it.

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Look at the first part of this Proverb: “He who withholds his rod hates his son.” This is a powerful statement. It is saying that one of the most profound ways we show that we love our children is we discipline them in appropriate ways, even using “the rod.” If a parent refuses to discipline his child, this lack of discipline is making a strong statement about this parent. It says the parent loves himself more than he loves his child. No parent who is emotionally healthy enjoys spanking or disciplining their child. Many times we would rather not hurt ourselves by hurting our child. This reveals that our love for our child is not strong enough to lead us to give our child the very thing he or she needs most: discipline.

I am glad that a New York court took this stand and supported the father, but the father was supported by God many years earlier when God led the writer of Proverbs to put child discipline into proper perspective. What are your thoughts about this topic? Did your parents use corporal punishment on you? Do you think spankings are an effective use of discipline and child training? Share your thoughts below and pass this article along to someone else.

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